But even in the face of adverse opinion polls and objections from Congress he has stressed his intent to push ahead with his top legislative priority healthcare reform. 但即使面对不利的民调结果和国会的反对,奥巴马仍然强调,他打算继续推进其在立法方面的首要任务医疗改革。
Article71if the company is provided with an audit statement with disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, the text of the audit statement, the financial statement and its notes shall be disclosed in the summary of the annual report. 第七十一条如果公司被出具了无法表示意见或否定意见的审计报告,则在披露年度报告摘要时须公布审计报告正文、财务报表及附注全文。
Adverse public opinion and the additional cost of capital caused by uncertainties over regulatory approval have much less salience in China than elsewhere. 在中国,公众的反对态度以及由获得监管部门批准的不确定性所导致的资本额外成本,其显著意义要远远小于其他国家。
She was unafraid of defeat or adverse opinion. 她不怕失败或反对意见。
When one or more material internal control weaknesses exist, the auditor is required to issue an adverse opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls. 如果存在一个或者更多重大内部控制缺陷,要求审计师给出关于内部控制效力的反对意见。
Environmental finance auditing report and environmental lawful auditing report should have four kinds of opinion type, that are unqualified opinion, qualified opinion, adverse opinion and disclaimer of opinion. 如注册会计师财务审计报告一样,环境财务审计报告和环境合规性审计报告应该有明确的意见类型,即无保留意见、保留意见、否定意见和无法表示意见四种。
These events eventually produce negative results given the adverse impact of the community, but also makes the network public opinion to the complex momentum evolution. 这些事件最终产生的负面结果,给社会造成的不良影响,更使得网络舆情向复杂态势演化。
With the stimulation of these adverse factors, the public opinion is likely toward the emotional, irrational direction. 在不良因素的刺激下,公众的舆论极有可能朝着情绪化、非理性方向发展。
More importantly, Shen Newspaper revealed the social evils bravely and fight against the adverse phenomenon in the turbulent history environment. It held the public opinion, to some extent, and maintained the social fairness and justice. 更为重要的是,在动荡的历史环境下,《申报》坚守舆论阵地,勇于揭露社会丑恶,同不良现象作斗争,在一定程度上维护了社会的公平与正义。
an opinion concerning financial statements (usually based on an audit by a CPA) that the statements as a whole do not present results fairly or are not in conformity with the generally accepted accounting practices of the United States